Our doctors are trained and equipped to perform a wide variety of surgical procedures, including orthopedic surgeries, soft tissues surgeries, as well as minimally invasive laparoscopic procedures. These minimally invasive procedures allow your pet to heal faster and with less pain than with traditional surgeries. Female dogs and cats undergoing a spay procedure, for example, are able to return to normal activity in 2-3 days, versus 10-14 days for a traditional surgical approach.

Surgical Reminders
Pre-anesthetic bloodwork helps ensure that your pet is healthy and will have minimal risk associated with anesthesia. We recommend this bloodwork before all anesthetic procedures.
The Night Before Surgery
The night before your pet’s surgery, no food after 6:00 p.m. and no water after midnight. This helps reduce the risk of a patient aspirating during sedated or anesthetized procedures.
Surgery Day
Please arrive between 7:30 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. for the admissions process, which will take approximately 15 minutes.
Pain Relief
We include a pain relief package for all procedures which includes pre- and post-operative injections for active pain relief, as well as oral pain medication for you to give your pet at home.
Post-Op Laser
There is an additional post-operative laser treatment that can be performed on your pet, as well. This treatment helps speed healing so that your pet can return to normal function and comfort level more quickly.
More on Surgery
Laser Therapy The thought of “lasering” your cat or dog may be...
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